Monday, January 5, 2015

O Be Wise

We picked our family theme for 2015:

"O Be Wise ... " ~ Jacob 6:12

Luke and I went back and forth trying to determine what would mean the most for our family this year and concluded with being wise in all aspects of our lives, but more particularly with our knowledge of the doctrines of the gospel, our finances, and Luke's schooling.

There are so many areas I could improve on, but I am going step by step and starting with one thing before going onto another.  Being wise is just one way I want to become a better me for my Heavenly Father, a better wife to Luke, and a better mother to Lottie.

This is going to be a big year for us with some big changes happening.  I am excited and nervous, but overall ready to take it all on.

Here's to 2015!

{Impromptu photo shoot courtesy of Cody Phillips}
{Location: Sundance}

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