Friday, May 6, 2011

Mindy Gledhill Concert....Say What?!

Yes.  That's right.  I went to a Mindy. Gledhill. CONCERT!!!!  I only heard of her like a month ago while reading the NieNie Dialogues, but I fell in love with her ENTIRE album Anchor right away,  particularly her song "Whole Wide World" as you can see on the sidebar.  Well I found out she was coming to Rexburg and then Lindsay's fiance, Travis, surprised us with tickets and told us to go and have us a girl's night!  Lindsay treated me to Me N' Stans in Rigby (which was SO good), and then we headed to the concert.  Mindy is an amazing singer/songwriter and the sweetest person ever.  After the concert we were able to get a picture with her and we each bought a t-shirt, I also bought the sheet music to her song "Anchor."

Waiting in was sold out!

Yep...we're pretty much BFFs...ehh I wish

Linds and I in our 100% ORGANIC cotton shirts


Heather said...

i love her! she's so great!

Juli said...

fun! cute kitchen!

Kaydee Smith said...

What?!?! Thats so cool! I love her music! She's the best!